[02/2025] NEWS Qi Zhang successfully defended her thesis on Scalable Dynamic SLAM.
[01/2025] NEWS Will Kerr successfully defended his thesis on Autonomous Film Storyboarding.
[09/2024] NEWS Wenbin will serve as Associate Editor for ICRA’25.
[06/2024] PAPER We got three papers on autonomous robotics accepted by IROS’24.
[04/2024] PAPER We got a paper on Intrinsic Diffusion accepted by Siggraph’24.
[04/2024] VACANCY A funded PhD position for cyber security in autonomous driving, from Oct. 2024 or Mar. 2025.
[03/2024] NEWS We got a paper on Camera Chameleon accepted by ICME’24.
[02/2024] NEWS We got a new 3D dataset available at DIO.
[11/2023] PAPER We got a paper on learning consistent reflectance accepted by TVCG’23.
[11/2023] VACANCY A funded PhD position for robot learning, from Oct. 2024.
[08/2023] NEWS Wenbin will serve as Associate Editor for ICRA’24.
[06/2023] PAPER We got a paper on balloon control accepted by IROS’23.
[06/2023] PAPER We got a survey paper on drone delivery accepted by JFR’23.
[05/2023] PAPER We got a paper on movie pre-production accepted by WICED x Cinemotions’23.
[01/2023] PAPER We got a paper on multi-drone simulation accepted by ICRA’23.
[12/2022] PAPER We got a survey paper on UV Disinfection Robots accepted by RAS’23.
[10/2022] VACANCY A funded PhD position for perception and scene understanding, from Oct. 2023.
[06/2022] PAPER We got a paper on autonomous drones accepted by Nature’22.
[12/2021] VACANCY A funded PhD position for real2sim digital twin, from Oct. 2022.
[11/2021] VACANCY A funded PhD position for robotic perception, from Oct. 2022.
[11/2021] VACANCY A funded PhD position for bioinspired robotic cognitive architecture, from Oct. 2022.
[11/2021] VACANCY A funded PhD position for brain-computer interface, from Oct. 2022.
[07/2021] PAPER We got a paper on depth super-resolution accepted by ACMMM’21.
[06/2021] VACANCY Two post-doc positions for autonomous drones, from Sep./Oct. 2021.
[06/2021] NEWS Wenbin will serve as Area Chair for BMVC’21.
[12/2020] VACANCY A funded PhD position for autonomous testbed, from Oct. 2021.
[10/2020] VACANCY A funded PhD position for active scene learning, from Oct. 2021.
[10/2020] NEWS Welcome our new PhD students Phil, Will, Ningchao and Qi to the lab.
[07/2020] PAPER We got a paper on depth super-resolution accepted by PR-Letters.
[06/2020] NEWS A new Pering website is launched!
[05/2020] VACANCY A funded HOME/EU PhD position for graphical-realistic scene rendering, from Jan./Oct. 2021.
[05/2020] VACANCY A funded HOME/EU PhD position for imitation/federated robot learning, from Jan./Oct. 2021.
[04/2020] VACANCY A funded PhD position for dynamic scene reconstruction, from Oct. 2020.
[03/2020] VACANCY Volunteers needed to build autonomous robots for NHS frontline.
[02/2020] PAPER We got a paper on canine pose prediction accepted by CVPR’20.
[08/2019] PAPER We got a paper on anisotropic remeshing accepted by PG’19.
[07/2019] VACANCY Several internal UG/PG/PhD positions for our TBRe-AI Formula 1 project.
[06/2019] VACANCY A funded PhD position for indoor scene simulation, from Oct. 2020.
[05/2019] VACANCY A funded PhD position for scene understanding, from Oct. 2020.
[05/2019] VACANCY A funded PhD position for autonomous filming, from Sep. 2020.
[02/2019] VACANCY A funded PhD position for SLAMs on Fast moving vehicles, from Oct. 2019.
[01/2019] PAPER We got two papers accepted by ICRA’19.
[12/2018] NEWS We are co-organising Gen-SLAM workshop in ICRA’19.
[09/2018] NEWS We launch a new meta-scale dataset InteriorNet for indoor scenes understanding.
[07/2018] PAPER We got two paper accepted by JFR’18, a top robotics journal.
[07/2018] PAPER We got two papers accepted by BMVC’18.
[06/2018] NEWS We are hiring all levels of talents for the group.
[06/2018] NEWS Wenbin has joined University of Bath as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor).